CV (English) + selected papers

Ivan Horáček, Prof. RNDr. CSc.
Born on 10 April 1952 in Havlíčkův Brod, living in Praha, married, daughters Tereza, Amelie and Ester.

Education and Professional Career
1971–1976: Charles University, Praha: MSc and RNDr. thesis: Population ecoology of Myotis myotis (1976);
1976–1989: Geological Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Praha, stipendist and PhD student (1979–1984), research fellow (since 1984); PhD thesis: Paleoecology of the Quaternary small mammals in Czechoslovakia (1984);
Since 1990: Charles University Praha, Department of Zoology: Associate Professor (1996), Full Professor in Zoology (2004) and Chair in Vertebrate Zoology (1998-2011)
Research interests and publications: Biology, taxonomy and morphology of mammals particularly bats, paleoecology and paleobiogeography of Caenozoic mammals.
240 research papers, 8 books, 16 chapters in books, ca. 80 symposium presentations etc.
Citation index: 4600 references in ca. 800 SCI papers + 200 citations in books and non-SCI journals. Hirsch Index 38

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Selected papers 2004–2018
Hulva P., Horáček I., Strelkov P. P. & Benda P., 2004: Molecular architecture of Pipistrellus pipistrellus / P. pygmaeus (Vespertilionidae) complex: further cryptic species and Mediterranean origin of the divergence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 32: 1023–1035.
Horáček I. & Dulic B., 2004: Plecotus auritus. Pp. 953–999. In: Krapp F. (ed.): Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. Teil II: Chiroptera II. Vespertilionidae 2, Molossidae, Nycteridae. Aula-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, 582 pp.
Horáček I., Bogdanowicz W. & Dulic B., 2004: Plecotus austriacus. Pp.1001–1049. In: Krapp F. (ed.): Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. Teil II: Chiroptera II. Vespertilionidae 2, Molossidae, Nycteridae. Aula-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, 582 pp.
Horáček I. & Benda P., 2004: Genus Hypsugo. Hypsugo savii. Pp. 911–941. In: Krapp F. (ed.): Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. Teil II: Chiroptera II. Vespertilionidae 2, Molossidae, Nycteridae. Aula-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, 582 pp.
Horáček I., 2004: What is a mammal? Pp. 3–17. In: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopaedia, Vol 12 (Mammals Vol. 1 of 5). Gale Inc. NY, 600 pp.

Smrž J., Horáček I, Švátora M., 2004: Biologie živočichů, Fortuna, Praha
Benda P., Ivanova T., Horáček I., Hanák V., Červený J., Gaisler J., Gueorguieva A., Petrov B., Vohralík V., 2004: Bats (Mammalia:Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean. Part 3. Review of bat distribution in Bulgaria. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 67: 245–357.
Horáček I. & Jahelková H., 2005: History of the Pipistrellus pipistrellus group in Central Europe in light of its fossil record. Acta Chiropterologica, 7: 189–204.
Černý R., Horáček I. & Olsson L., 2006: The Trabecula cranii: development and homology of an enigmatic vertebrate head structure. Animal Biology, 56: 503–518.
Hoofer S. R., Van Den Bussche R. A. & Horáček I., 2006: Generic status of the American pipistrelles (Vespertilionidae) with description of a new genus. Journal of Mammalogy, 87: 981–992.
Hulva P. & Horáček I., 2006: Cryptic sympatric diversity in Emballonura alecto: further bats species? Acta Chiropterologica, 8: 537–542.

Horáček, I., 2006: Small vertebrates in the Weichselian series in Dzeravá skala cave: list of the samples and a brief summary. pp. 157-167  In: Kaminska L., Kozlowski J.K., Svoboda J.A. (eds.): Pleistocene Environments and Archaelogy of the Dzerava skala Cave, Lesser Carpathians, Slovakia. PAN Krakow. 226 pp.
Pokorný, P., Horáček I., 2006: Přírodní rámec nejstaršího osídlení jižních Čech. pp. 325-343. In: Vencl, S. (ed.): Nejstarší osídlení jižních Čech. AÚ AVČR Praha. 473 pp.
Sedláček O., Hořák D., Riegert J., Reif J., Horáček I., 2006: Comments on Welwitsch´s mouse-eared bat (Myotis welwitschi) with the first record from Cameroon. Mammalian Biology 71: 120-123.
Hulva P, Horáček I, Benda P, 2007: Molecules, morphometrics and new fossils provide an integrated view of the evolutionary history of Rhinopomatidae (Mammalia: Chiroptera). BMC Evolutionary Biology 2007, 7:165
Horáček I., Fejfar O. & Hulva P., 2006: A new genus of vespertilionid bat from Early Miocene of Jebel Zelten (Libya) with comments of Scotophilus and early history of vespertilionid bats. Lynx, n. s., 37: 131–150.
Černý R., Horáček I. & Galis F. (eds), 2006: The First and Founding meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Prague, August 2006 – Proc.Abstracts. Charles Univerity, Praha, 364 pp.
Čermák S., Wagner J., Fejfar O., Horáček I., 2007: New Pliocene localities with micromammals from the Czech Republic: a preliminary report. Fossil Record 10: 60-68.
Horáček I., 2007: Holocene history of the mammalian fauna in the Northern Bohemian sandstone region (Czech Republic), pp. 265-272 In:  Sandstone Landscapes. Academia, Praha.
Horáček I., Mihevc A., Zupan Hajna N., Pruner P., Bosák P., 2007: Fossil  vertebrates and paleomagnetism update of  one of the earlier stages of cave evolution in the classical karst, Slovenia: Pliocene of Črnotiče II site and Račiška pečina. Acta Carsologica 36: 111-128.
Sabol M., Fejfar O., Horáček I., Čermák S., 2007: The Early Miocene micromammalian assemblage from Mokrá - 1/2001 Turtle Joint site (Moravia, Czech Republic) - preliminary results. Scripta. Fac.Sci.Nat.Uni.Masaryk, Brno, 36: 57-64.
Ložek V., Horáček I., 2007: Molluscan and vertebrate successions from the Velká Ružínská Cave (East Slovakia).  pp. 217-225  In: Festschrift fur Klaus Dietrich Jaeger  zum 70 Geburtstag. Terra Prehistorica 
Svoboda J., Hajnalová M., Horáček I., Novák M., Přichystal A., Šajnerová A., Yaroschevich A., 2007: Mesolithic settlement and activities in rockshelters of the Kamenice river canyon, Czech Republic. Eurasian Prehistory 5: 65-127.
Svoboda J.A., Hajnalova M., Horáček I., Novák M., Přichystal A., Šajnerová A.,. 2007: Okrouhlík. Výzkum mezolitického sídelního areálu v soutěsce Kamenice v roce 2005.  Minulost Českého Švýcarska V: 5-37.
Horáček I., 2007:  Developmental dynamics of chiropteran molars: on variation and constraints. JVP 27 (3): 91A
Landová E., Horáček I., Frynta D., 2006: Have black rats evolved a culturally-transmitted techniques of pinecone opening independently in Cyprus and Israel?  Israel J. Ecol. Evolution, 52: 151-158.
Benda P., Hanák V., Horáček I., Hulva P., Lučan R. & Ruedi M., 2007: Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean. Part 5. Bat fauna of Cyprus: review of records with confirmation of six species new for the island and description of a new subspecies. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 71: 71–130.
Hulva P., Benda P., Hanák, Evin A. & Horáček I., 2007: New mitochondrial lineages within the Pipistrellus pipistrellus complex from Mediterranean Europe. Folia Zoologica, 56: 378–388.

Dreslerová D., Horáček I., Pokorný P., 2007: Přírodní prostředí Čech a jeho vývoj. pp. 23-50 In: Kuna M. (ed.): Archeologie pravěkých Čech 1. Pravěký svět a jeho poznání. ArÚ AV ČR Praha 163 pp.
Hulva P., Horáček I. & Benda P., 2007: Molecules, morphometrics and new fossils provide an integrated view of the evolutionary history of Rhinopomatidae (Mammalia: Chiroptera). BioMedCentral Evolutionary Biology, 7: 165.

Jahelková H., Horáček I,, Bartonička T., 2008: The advertisement song of Pipistrellus nathusii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae): a complex message containing acoustic signatures of individuals. Acta Chiropterologica 10: 103-126.
Soukup V., Epperlein H-H., Horáček I, Černý R., 2008: Dual epithelial origin of vertebrate oral teeth. Nature. 455:795-798  / doi: 10.1038/nature/07304.

Horáček I., 2008: Jak se zviřátka rozkmotřila a co z toho pošlo. pp. 63-76 In: Pokorný P., Bárta M. (eds.): Něco překrásného se končí – Kolapsy v přírodě a společnosti. Nakl. Dokořán, Praha, 255 pp.

Horáček I., 2008: K fotografii na frontispisu - epilog. pp.251-252  pp. 63-76 In: Pokorný P., Bárta M. (eds.): Něco překrásného se končí – Kolapsy v přírodě a společnosti. Nakl. Dokořán, Praha, 255 pp.

Zahradnicek O., Horacek I., Tucker A.S., 2008: Viperous fangs: development and evolution of the venom canal. Mechanisms of Development, 125: 786-796.   IF  3,160

Lucan R., AndreasM., Benda P., Bartonička T., Březinová T., Hoffmanová, A., Hulová Š., Neckářová J., Reiter A., Svačina T., Šálek M., Horáček I., 2009: Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: distributional status, roosting and feeding ecology. Acta Chiropterologica. 11:  61-69.             IF  1,129

Spoutil F., Vlcek V., Horáček I., 2010: Enamel Microarchitecture of a Tribosphenic Molar. Journal of Morphology, 271: 1204 - 1218.   IF 2,087

Martinkova N. Bačkor P., Bartonička T. … Jahelková H., …Lučan R.K., …Zima J., Horáček I., 2010: Increasing incidence of Geomyces destructans Fungus in Bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. PlosONE, 5/11: e13853: 1-7.  IF  4,610

Lucan R. K., Hanák V. & Horáček I., 2009:  Long-term re-use of tree roosts by European forest bats. Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 1301-1306.  IF 2,507

Královič M., Horáček I., Černý R., 2010:  Mouth development in the Senegal bichir Polypterus senegalus does not involve the oropharyngeal membrane: possible implications for the ecto-endoderm boundary and tooth initiation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 26, 179-182. IF 1,117

Horáček, I., P. Benda, R. Sadek, S. Karkabi, M. Abi-Said, R. Lučan, P. Hulva, and R. Karanouh. 2008. Bats of Lebanon. State of knowledge and perspectives. Al-Ouat’Ouate, Revue Libanaise de Speleologie et de Karstologie, N. S., 14: 52–67.

Horáček, I., P. Benda, R. Sadek, S. Karkabi, M. Abi-Said, R. Lučan, M. Uhrin, I. Bou Jaoude, R. Karanouh, and S. Akil. 2009. Bat census in Lebanese caves in 2008 & 2009. Al-Ouat’Ouate, Revue Libanaise de Speleologie et de Karstologie, N. S., 15: 70–73.

Benda P., Georgiakakis P., Dietz C., Hanák V., Galanaki K., Markantonatou V., Chudárková A., Hulva P. & Horáček I., 2009: Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of

the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Part 7. The bat fauna of Crete, Greece. Acta Societatis zoologicae bohemicae [Praha], 72: 105–190.

Hanák V., Neckářová J., Benda P., Hanza l V., Anděra M., Horáček I., Jah elková H., Zieglerová A. & Zieglerová D., 2009: Bat fauna of Prague: review of records with notes on the urban populations. Natura Pragensis [Praha], 19: 3–89.

Kučera J., Sůvová Z., Horáček I., 2009: Stránská skála jeskyně: glacialní společenstvo hlodavců (Rodentia) ze staršího středního pleistocenu. Lynx n.s., 40: 43-69.

Čermák S., Wagner, J., Morávek, R., Fejfar, O., Horáček, I., 2010: Pliocenní fauna obratlovců z krasových výplní vápencového lomu ve Vitošově na severní Moravě. Zprávy Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci, 299, s. 20–36. 

Horáček, I., Benda P. (eds.), 2010: 15thIBRC – the Conference Manual.  Abstracts of the 15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague 23-27 August 2010.  380 pp.

Horáček I., Uhrin M. (eds.), 2010: A tribute to bats. Lesnická práce, Kostelec, 400 pp.

Hanák V., Anděra M., Uhrin M., Danko Š. & Horáček I., 2010: Bats of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: distributional status of individual species. Pp.: 143–254. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds.): A Tribute to Bats. Lesnická práce, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 400 pp.

Horáček I., 2010: Monitoring bats in underground hibernacula. Pp.: 93–108. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds): A Tribute to Bats. Lesnická práce s.r.o., Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 400 pp.

Horáček I., 2010: … until now. Pp.: 31–39. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds): A Tribute to Bats. Lesnická práce s.r.o., Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 400 pp.

Jahelková H. & Horáček I., 2010: Advertisement behaviour and mating system of the migratory bat Pipistrellus nathusii. Pp.: 302–305. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds): A Tribute to Bats. Lesnická práce s.r.o., Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 400 pp.

Královič M., Horáček I. & Černý R., 2010: Mouth development in the Senegal bichir Polypterus senegalus does not involved the oropharyngeal membrane: possible implications for the ecto-endoderm boundary and tooth initiation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 26: 179–182.

Martínková N., Bačkor P., Bartonička T., Blažková P., Červený J., Falteisek L., Gaisler J., Hanzal V., Horáček D., Hubálek Z., Jahelková H., Kolařík M., Korytár Ľ., Kubátová A., Lehotská B., Lehotský R., Lučan R. K., Májek O., Matějů J., Řehák Z., Šafář J., Tájek P., Tkadlec E., Uhrin M., Wagner J., Weinfurtová D., Zima J., Zukal J. & Horáček I., 2010: Increasing incidence of Geomyces destructans fungus in bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. PlosONE, 5(11): 1–7 [e13853].

ŠpoutilF., Vlček V. & Horáček I., 2010: Enamel microarchitecture of a tribosphenic molar. Journal of Morphology, 271: 1204–1218.

Benda P., Abi-Said M., Bartonička T., Bilgin R., Faizolahi K., Lučan R. K., Nicolaou H., Reiter A., Shohdi W. M., Uhrin M. & Horáček I., 2011: Rousettus aegyptiacus (Pteropodidae) in the Palaearctic: list of records and revision of the distribution range. Vespertilio, 15: 3–36.

Evin A., Horáček I. & Hulva P., 2011: Phenotypic diversification and island evolution of pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus group) in the Mediterranean region inferred from geometric morphometrics and molecular phylogenetics. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 2091–2105.

Jahelková H., Horáček I., 2011: Mating system of a migratory bat, Nathusius’pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) : different male strategies. Acta Chiropterologica, 13: 123-137. IF 1,129

Svoboda J., Bochenski Z. M., Čulíková V., Dohnalová A., Hladilová Š., Hložek M., Horáček I., Ivanov M., Králík M., Novák M., Pryor A. J. E., Sázelová S., Stevens R. E., Wilczynski J. & Wojtal P., 2011: Paleolithic hunting in a southern Moravian landscape: The case of Milovice IV, Czech Republic. Geoarchaeology, 26: 838–866.

Wagner J., Čermák S. & Horáček I., 2011: The presence of Ursus ex gr. minimus-thibetanus in the Late Villányian and its position among the Pliocene and Pleistocene black bears in Europe. Quaternaire, Hors-série, 4: 39–58.

Benda P., Vallo P., Hulva P. & Horáček I., 2012: The Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in the Palaearctic: Geographical variation and taxonomic status. Biologia, Bratislava, 67: 1230–1244.

Bilgin R., Gürün K., Maraci Ö., Furman A., Hulva P., Çoraman E., Lučan R. K., Bartonička T. & Horáček I., 2012: Syntopic occurrence in Turkey supports separate species status for Miniopterus schreibersii schrei­bersii and M. schreibersii pallidus (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Acta Chiropterologica, 14: 279–289.

Gregorovičová M., Zahradníček O., Tucker A. S., Velenský P. & Horáček I., 2012: Embryonic develop­ment of the monitor lizard, Varanus indicus. Amphibia-Reptilia, 33: 451–468.

Horáček I., 2012: Bílé nosy u nás aneb Druhý popis [White noses in our country or the Second description]. Vesmír, 91(11): 636–641 (in Czech).

Horáček I. & Špoutil F., 2012: Why tribosphenic? On variation and constraints in developmental dynamics of chiropteran molars. Pp.: 410–455. In: Gunnel G. F. & Simmons N. B. (eds.): Evolutionary History in Bats: Fossils, Molecules and Morphology. Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules – New Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xii+572 pp.

Soukup V., Horáček I., Černý R., 2012: Development and evolution of the vertebrate primary mouth. Journal of Anatomy

Hulva P., Marešová T., Dundarova H., Bilgin R., Benda P., Bartonička T. & Horáček I., 2012: Environ­mental margin and island evolution in Middle Eastern populations of the Egyptian fruit bat. Molecular Ecology, 21: 6104–6116.

Zahradníček O., Horáček I. Tucker A. S., 2012: Tooth development in a model reptile: functional and null generation teeth in the gecko Paroedura picta. Journal of Anatomy, 221: 195–208.

Horáček I., Knitlová M., Wagner J., Kordos L., Nadachowski A., 2013: Late Cenozoic history of Micromys (Mammalia, Rodentia) in Central Europe. PlosONE

Horáček I., Maul L.C., Smith K.T., Barkai R., Gopher A., 2013: Bat remains (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem Cave, Israel, with the first Pleistocene record of fruit bats in the Mediterranean region. Palaeontologia Electronica 16.3.23A

Horáček, I., Bartonička, T., & Lučan, R. K. (2014). Macroecological characteristics of bat geomycosis in the Czech Republic: results of five years of monitoring. Vespertilio, 17, 65-77.

BENDA, P., LUČAN, R. K., SHOHDI, W. M., PORTEŠ, M., & HORÁČEK, I. (2014). Microbats of the Western Oases of Egypt, Libyan Desert. Vespertilio, 17, 45-58.

UHRIN, M., BENDA, P., LUČAN, R., MIKOVÁ, E., RENDOŠ, M., & HORÁČEK, I. (2014). Noteworthy bat records from Romania. Vespertilio, 17, 197-213.

Juřičková, L., Ložek, V., Horáčková, J., Tlachač, P., & Horáček, I. (2014). Holocene succession and biogeographical importance of mollusc fauna in the Western Sudetes (Czech Republic). Quaternary international, 353, 210-224.

Hošek, J., Pokorný, P., Kubovčík, V., Horáček, I., Žáčková, P., Kadlec, J., ... & Bučkuliaková, S. (2014). Late glacial climatic and environmental changes in eastern-central Europe: Correlation of multiple biotic and abiotic proxies from the Lake Švarcenberk, Czech Republic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 396, 155-172.

Lučan, R. K., Bartonička, T., Benda, P., Bilgin, R., Jedlička, P., Nicolaou, H., ... & Horáček, I. (2014). Reproductive seasonality of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) at the northern limits of its distribution. Journal of Mammalogy, 95(5), 1036-1042.

Herdina, A. N., Kelly, D. A., Jahelková, H., Lina, P. H., Horáček, I., & Metscher, B. D. (2015). Testing hypotheses of bat baculum function with 3D models derived from microCT. Journal of Anatomy, 226(3), 229-235.

Svoboda, J., Hladilová, Š., Horáček, I., Kaiser, J., Králík, M., Novák, J., ... & Zikmund, T. (2015). Dolní Věstonice IIa: Gravettian microstratigraphy, environment, and the origin of baked clay production in Moravia. Quaternary international, 359, 195-210.

Häuselmann, P., Mihevc, A., Pruner, P., Horáček, I., Čermák, S., Hercman, H., ... & Bosák, P. (2015). Snežna jama (Slovenia): interdisciplinary dating of cave sediments and implication for landscape evolution. Geomorphology, 247, 10-24.

Řeřucha, Š., Bartonička, T., Jedlička, P., Čížek, M., Hlouša, O., Lučan, R., & Horáček, I. (2015). The BAARA (Biological AutomAted RAdiotracking) system: A new approach in ecological field studies. PloS one, 10(2), e0116785.

Herdina, A. N., Hulva, P., Horáček, I., Benda, P., Mayer, C., Hilgers, H., & Metscher, B. D. (2014). MicroCT imaging reveals morphometric baculum differences for discriminating the cryptic species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. Acta chiropterologica, 16(1), 157-168.

Frick, W. F., Puechmaille, S. J., Hoyt, J. R., Nickel, B. A., Langwig, K. E., Foster, J. T., ... & Herzog, C. (2015). Disease alters macroecological patterns of North American bats. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(7), 741-749.

Kallistová, A., Skála, R., Horáček, I., Miyajima, N., & Malíková, R. (2015). Influence of sample preparation on the microstructure of tooth enamel apatite. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48(3), 763-768.

Hošek, J., Hambach, U., Lisa, L., Grygar, T. M., Horáček, I., Meszner, S., & Knesl, I. (2015). An integrated rock-magnetic and geochemical approach to loess/paleosol sequences from Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic): implications for the Upper Pleistocene paleoenvironment in central Europe. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 418, 344-358.

Horáček I. (2015): Biodiverzita střední Evropy a kvartérní paleozoologie. Vesmír  94, 434 -439.

Horáček I. Ložek V., Knitlová M., Juřičková L. (2015): Darkness under candlestick: glacial refugia on mountain glaciers. Pp. 263-377 In: Sázelová S. et al. (eds.): Forgotten times and spaces. New perspectives in paleoanthropological, paleoethnological and archeological studies. CAS Inst. Archeology, Brno. 618 pp.

Horáček I., Bláha V., Wagner J., Čermák S., Žák K., Ryšánek K. (2016): Speleologie a výzkum kvartéru na Chlumu u Srbska: historie a současný  stav. Český kras,  Beroun, 42: 5-22.

Pyšková, K., Storch, D., Horáček, I., Kauzál, O., & Pyšek, P. (2016). Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in the Czech Republic: the first record of a live animal and its long-term persistence in the colonized habitat. ZooKeys, (641), 151.

Bilgin, R., Gürün, K., Rebelo, H., Puechmaille, S. J., Maracı, Ö., Presetnik, P., ... & Fressel, N. (2016). Circum-Mediterranean phylogeography of a bat coupled with past environmental niche modeling: A new paradigm for the recolonization of Europe?. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 99, 323-336.

Benda, P., Said, M. A., Jaoude, I. B., Karanouh, R., Lučan, R. K., Sadek, R., ... & Horáček, I. (2016). Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Part 13. Review of distribution and ectoparasites of bats in Lebanon. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem, 80, 207-316.

BENDA, P., KRUSKOP, S. V., & HORÁČEK, I. (2016). On the occurrence of Rhinolophus lepidus in West Turkestan: data from the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University. Vespertilio, 18, 11-21.

Lučan, R. K., Bartonička, T., Jedlička, P., Řeřucha, Š., Šálek, M., Čížek, M., ... & Horáček, I. (2016). Spatial activity and feeding ecology of the endangered northern population of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Journal of Mammalogy, 97(3), 815-822.

Bartonička, T., Bandouchova, H., Berková, H., Blažek, J., Lučan, R., Horáček, I., ... & Zukal, J. (2017). Deeply torpid bats can change position without elevation of body temperature. Journal of thermal biology, 63, 119-123.


Kallistová, A., Horáček, I., Šlouf, M., Skála, R., & Fridrichová, M. (2017). Mammalian enamel maturation: Crystallographic changes prior to tooth eruption. PloS one, 12(2), e0171424.

Minarik, M., Stundl, J., Fabian, P., Jandzik, D., Metscher, B. D., Psenicka, M., Horáček, I. & Cerny, R. (2017). Pre-oral gut contributes to facial structures in non-teleost fishes. Nature, 547(7662), 209.

Horáček I., Sázelová S. (2017): Vertebarte fauna development in North Bohemian region during the Holocene. Pp. 35-48 in Svoboda J. (ed.) Mesolithic of Northern Bohemia II. Archeological Inst. AV CR Brno, 247 pp.

Knitlová, M., & Horáček, I. (2017). Late Pleistocene-Holocene paleobiogeography of the genus Apodemus in central Europe. PloS one, 12(3), e0173668.

Knitlová, M., & Horáček, I. (2017). Genus Apodemus in the Pleistocene of Central Europe: when did the extant taxa appear?. Fossil Imprint, 73(3-4), 460-481.

Kallistová, A., Skála, R., Šlouf, M., Čejchan, P., Matulková, I., & Horáček, I. (2018). Enamel apatite crystallinity significantly contributes to mammalian dental adaptations. Scientific reports, 8(1), 5544.

Svoboda, J., Pokorný, P., Horáček, I., Sázelová, S., Abraham, V., Divišová, M., ... & Šída, P. (2018). Late Glacial and Holocene sequences in rockshelters and adjacent wetlands of Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic: Correlation of environmental and archaeological records. Quaternary International, 465, 234-250.

Harazim, M., Horáček, I., Jakešová, L., Luermann, K., Moravec, J. C., Morgan, S., ... & Zukal, J. (2018). Natural selection in bats with historical exposure to white-nose syndrome. BMC Zoology, 3(1), 8.

Nejman, L., Lisá, L., Doláková, N., Horáček, I., Bajer, A., Novák, J., ... & Pacher, M. (2018). Cave deposits as a sedimentary trap for the Marine Isotope Stage 3 environmental record: The case study of Pod Hradem, Czech Republic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 497: 201-217.

Pyšková, K., Kauzál, O., Storch, D., Horáček, I., Pergl, J., & Pyšek, P. (2018). Carnivore distribution across habitats in a central-European landscape: a camera trap study. ZooKeys, (770), 227.

Kipson, M., Šálek, M., Lučan, R., Uhrin, M., Maxinová, E., Bartonika, T., ... & Naďo, L. (2018). Foraging Habitat, Home-Range Size and Diet of a Mediterranean Bat Species, Savi's Pipistrelle. Acta Chiropterologica, 20(2), 351-360.

Rofes, J., Cucchi, T., Hanot, P., Herman, J., Stephan, P., Cersoy, S., Horáček, I. & Zazzo, A. (2018). Postglacial recolonization and Holocene diversification of Crocidura suaveolens (Mammalia, Soricidae) on the north-western fringe of the European continent. Quaternary Science Reviews, 190, 1-10.

BENDA, P., SATTERFIELD, L., GÜCEL, S., HORÁČEK, I., LUČAN, R., CHARALAMBIDOU, I., & UHRIN, M. (2018). Distribution of bats in Northern Cyprus (Chiroptera). Lynx, series nova, 49.

Pokorny, R., Zak, K., Jurickova, L., & Horacek, I. (2018). Novy nalez kone (Equus ferus germanicus Nehring, 1804) ze svrchnepleistocennich sprasi ze Stradonic u Nizboru. Zpravy o geologickych vyzkumech, 5101, 25-3.

Stribna, T., Romportl, D., Demjanovič, J., Vogeler, A., Tschapka, M., Benda, P., Horacek, I. & Hulva, P. (2019). Pan African phylogeography and palaeodistribution of rousettine fruit bats: Ecogeographic correlation with Pleistocene climate vegetation cycles. Journal of Biogeography46(10), 2336-2349.

Svoboda, J., & Horáček, I. (2019). Between Bilzingleben and Vértésszölös: small-sized industries in the Middle Pleistocene of Europe (Czech Republic). Anthropologie57(3), 363-372.

Horáček, I. (2019). Family Rhinopomatidae (Mouse-tailed bats). pp. 164-177  In: Wilson D.E:  Mittermeier R.L. (eds.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 9. Batsd. Lynx Edicion, Barcelona.

Horáček, I., Lehmann, T., Ruf, I., Krohmann, K., Maul, L.C. (2019). Gerhard Storch - a legend in mammals research. Fossil Imprint. 75: 5-21.

Horáček, I. & Trávníčková, E. (2019). Myotis gerhardstorchi sp.n. and comments on the European fossil record of Myotis frater group (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Fossil Imprint75(3-4), 315-342

Bachorec, E., Horáček, I., Hulva, P., Konečný, A., Lučan, R. K., Jedlička, P., ... & Bartonička, T. (2020). Spatial networks differ when food supply changes: Foraging strategy of Egyptian fruit bats. Plos one15(2), e0229110.

Bachorec, E., Horáček, I., Hulva, P., Konečný, A., Lučan, R. K., Jedlička, P., ... & Bartonička, T. (2020). Egyptian fruit bats do not preferentially roost with their relatives. Journal of Zoology312(2), 111-121.

Baca, M., Popović, D., Lemanik, A., Baca, K., Horáček, I., & Nadachowski, A. (2019). Highly divergent lineage of narrow-headed vole from the Late Pleistocene Europe. Scientific reports9(1), 1-10.

Hajna, N. Z., Bosák, P., Pruner, P., Mihevc, A., Hercman, H., & Horáček, I. (2020). Karst sediments in Slovenia: Plio-Quaternary multi-proxy records. Quaternary International546, 4-19.

Baca, M., Popović, D., Baca, K., Lemanik, A., Doan, K., Horáček, I., ... & Nadachowski, A. (2020). Diverse responses of common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations to Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate changes–Evidence from ancient DNA. Quaternary Science Reviews233, 106239.

Lučan, R. K., Reiter, A., Chytil, J., Horáček, I., & Bartonička, T. (2020). Pipistrellus kuhlii in the Czech Republic: 2007-2020 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Lynx, series nova51(1): .

Horáček, I. (2020). Obratlovci. pp. 124-127 In: Šída P. & Pokorný P. (eds.): Mezolit severních Čech III. Vývoj pravěké krajiny Českého ráje: Vegetace, fauna, lidé. Dolnověstonické studie 25, Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno. 600 pp.

Ptáková, M., Pokorný, P., Šída, P., Novák, J., Horáček, I., Juřičková, L., ... & Poschlod, P. (2020). From Mesolithic hunters to Iron Age herders: a unique record of woodland use from eastern central Europe (Czech Republic). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany30(2), 269-286

Riegert, J., Šindelář, J., Zárybnická, M., & Horáček, I. (2021). Large-scale spatial patterns of small-mammal communities in the Mediterranean region revealed by Barn owl diet. Scientific reports11(1), 1-16.

Bonilla-Salomón, I., Čermák, S., Luján, À. H., Horáček, I., Ivanov, M., & Sabol, M. (2021). Early Miocene small mammals from mwq1/2001 turtle joint (Mokrá-Quarry, South Moravia, Czech Republic): Biostratigraphical and palaeoecological considerations. Bull Geosci96(1), 99-122.

Hajna, N. Z., Mihevc, A., Bosak, P., Pruner, P., Hercman, H., Horáček, I., ... & Švara, A. (2021). Pliocene to Holocene chronostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental records from cave sediments: Račiška pečina section (SW Slovenia). Quaternary International605, 5-24.

Žák, K., Horáček I. & Cílek, V. (2021). Krajina vytvářená řekami a rozpouštěním vápence. pp. 27-47 In: Žák, K., Cílek V. & Majer, M. (eds.) Srdce Českého krasu. Dokořán, Praha  299 pp.

Horáček, I., Čermák, S. & Wagner, J. (2021). Po stopách čtvrtohorního života. pp. 48-68  In: Žák, K., Cílek V. & Majer, M. (eds.) Srdce Českého krasu. Dokořán, Praha  299 pp.

Horáček, i. (2021). Srbsko a netopýři. pp.258-259 In: Žák, K., Cílek V. & Majer, M. (eds.) Srdce Českého krasu. Dokořán, Praha  299 pp.

Horáček, I., Čermák, S. & Wagner, J.,(2021). Prof.RNDr.Oldřich Fejfar CSc. a Český kras. Český kras 47: 61 - 672022

Kipson, M., Gazaryan, S., & Horáček, I. (2022). Savi’s Pipistrelle Hypsugo savii (Bonaparte, 1837). In Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (pp. 1-18). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Žák K., Adamovič J., Horáček I., Čermák S., Wagner J., Eigner J., Mikysek P. (2022): Co ještě může přinést výzkum jeskyně Nad Kačákem v Českém krasu. – Nepublikovaná výzkumná zpráva, Geologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., 67 stran. Praha.

Horáček, I. (2022). From tribosphenic molar to dental phylotype of rodents. Abstr. TMD Štiřín.

Baca, M., Popović, D., Agadzhanyan, A. K., Baca, K., Conard, N. J., Fewlass, H., ...Horacek, I.  & Nadachowski, A. (2023). Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1993), 20222238.


Arbez, L., Tereza, H., Royer, A., Sophie, M., & Ivan, H. (2023). The wood lemming and the development of taiga in Late Pleistocene Central Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 303, 107974.

Horáček, I., Hadravová, T., Čermák, S. & Žák, K. Pleistocenní fauna z Kubrychtovy jeskyně v Tetíně v Českém krasu. Český kras 48: 18-22.

Horáček, I. & Lebedová, K. (2022).  Cricetinae in the Quaternary fossil record of the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Rodentia: Cricetidae).   Lynx, n. s. (Praha), 53: 365–41

Horáček, I. & Benda, P. (2023). Vladimír Hanák (1931-2022). Journal of Mammalogy  (3): 1-3.

Benda, P., Ševčík, M., Horáček, I., Uvizl, M., Reiter, A., & Uhrin, M. (2024). Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Part 17. New records of bats and their ectoparasites from Tajikistan with a review of these faunas of the country including a description of a new species of horseshoe bat. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem, 88, 1-213.

Hošek, J., Pokorný, P., Storch, D., Kvaček, J., Havig, J., Novák, J., ... & Horáček, I. (2024). Hot spring oases in the periglacial desert as the Last Glacial Maximum refugia for temperate trees in Central Europe. Science Advances, 10(22), eado6611.

Pažitková, B., & Horáček, I. (2024). Shrews of tribe Nectogalini (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) in the fossil record of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Fossil Imprint, 190-228.

Baca, M., Popović, D., Lemanik, A., Bañuls‐Cardona, S., Conard, N. J., Cuenca‐Bescós, G., ... & Nadachowski, A. (2023). Ancient DNA reveals interstadials as a driver of common vole population dynamics during the last glacial period. Journal of biogeography, 50(1), 183-196.

Arbez, L., Hadravova, T. Royer, A., Mointure, S., Fejfar, O., Horáček, I. (2024). Re-investigation of fossil Lemmini specimens from the early and middle Pleistocene of Western and Central Europe: Evolutionary and paleoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 641, 112128.

Staňková, M., Lučan, R., & Horáček, I. (2023). Clustering behaviour and acoustic activity of Myotis myotis (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an undergroung hibernaculum. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem, 87,

Horáček, I. (2024). K5 Chování a evoluce: případ vzdušných letců.  Pp. 492 -511 In: Špinka, M. et al. (eds). Etologie. Academia, Praha.






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člen American Society of Mammalogists, Deutsche Gesselschaft f. Saeugetierkunde, International Society of Biogeography, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology,

předseda České společnosti pro ochranu netopýrů (ČESON)


Vedené PhD projekty 2006-2011


Knitlová: Myšice rodu Apodemus v kvartéru střední Evropy

Potfaj: Akustické a genetické vymedzenie populácí druhu Fringilla coelebs


2011 Zahradníček: Evoluční a vývojové aspekty dentice šupinatých plazů

2010 Lučan: Population ecology of Daubenton’s bat, Myoti daubentonii

2010 Špoutil: Mikrostruktura tribosfénického moláru – srovnávací analýza

2010 Kyselý: Archeozoologická problematika eneolitu Čech

2009 Čermák: Lagomorpha (Mammalia) pliocénu a pleistocénu Evropy: revize vybraných taxonů

2008 Jahelková: Sociální chování a ekologie rodu Pipistrellus

2006 Hulva: Genetic markers and the evolutionary history of Chiroptera: empirical lessons


2006 Kundrát: Development and Evolution of Cephalic and Autopodial Morphological Patterns in Crocodilia and Dinosauria



Ivan Horáček, Prof.RNDr.CSc. Katedra Zoologie PřF UK
Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha 2
00420 221951851